Water lillies in the gardens pond.
teepee constructed yesterday..to provide a bit of shade...sunflowers, beans, both bush and climbing and zucchinis..I was pleased to be able to take home at least a kilo of my own potatoes..although my system of keeping water in the soil was a bit too zealous. some of the potatoe greenery was a too waterlogged and had yellowed prematurely...and rotted off... live and learn hmmmm... yes but when.... weather today was supposed to reach 37 degrees not sure of it did...but it was hot... tomorrow 36... summer is upon us...i'm hoping i can keep this blogging up a bit more now that my obsession with redbbbbble mania has died down a bit... although not extinguished.. it is a great way to find 'friends' people who love photography and art... thanks for the comments roz but I'm not sure i'm to be congratulated... i hate the font above the slide show and was not for the life of me able to change it...